June, 2021
Everything In Between Radio June 21st 2021
On the show tonight we discussed The Alternative posting their best 60 albums of 2021(so far), Helen Keller is accused of being a fraud and an urban legend, the HBO Max integration email fiasco, Texas homeowners who use smart thermostats have their temperatures changed remotely by the power companies, the stock prices of AMC and others. Text your song requests to 216-835-LINK[5465], include the band name, song title, and your name so we can give you a shout out on the air!
Everything In Between Radio June 14th 2021
On the show tonight we discussed a small English village that has had 3 separate alien abductions recently, the Sex, Drugs, or Alcohol Quiz involving a barbershop in Bridgeport CT, a dog who pushed his owners car into gear and into a lake, and don’t forget to text your song requests to 216-835-LINK[5465], be sure to include a band name, song title and your name at the end of the text so we can give you a shout out on the air!
Everything In Between Radio June 7th 2021
On the show tonight we discussed the Parma Dinosaur Safari, the Sex, Drugs, or Alcohol Quiz involving a Danish news reporter doing something live on the air, West Virginia giving away guns for covid vaccines, and the return of the immersive theatre experience about the Cleveland Torso Murderer making its return for part 3 in the series.